6 abr 2011

Which English-speaking country is called "The Emerald Isle". Why is that so?

Over the next two months we will be working, in our 4th-year-ESO class, on a project called: " English Throughout the World" :  Where is English Spoken as a First Language".
I advise you to select one of the ones listed below but you can choose any other you prefer! Before you decide on a particular country, try answering these questions:
a) How many capital cities are there in the Republic of South Africa?
b) What's the longest river in Ireland)
c) Which city in the USA has the most inhabitants?
d) Where is the "Isle of Man"?
e ) How many official languages are there in the Republic of South  Africa?
f) What's the capital city of Jamaica?
g)  Where is Vanvouver?
h)  How many states are there in the USA?
Search the internet and find out! You can go to websites like Wikipedia or Google maps!
María Pilar Armesto González

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